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What is Art?

Artist Maurizio Cattelan's piece below is the reason Glasgow Garage Gallery came to be. When I first heard about this story, I, like many Artists, were in disbelief! I quickly researched the matter and like the "Hungry Artist" ( that ate the banana shortly after it was installed on the wall, I too wanted to eat the banana to make a point - I was angry. I thought to myself, how can a damn banana taped on a wall be art, and whom would pay such a fee? Days passed and my resentment grew ... was I resentful that my paintings perhaps may never reach that monetary benefit, or was I resentful that perhaps I truly don't know what Art is? I ask readers of this blog to help Me understand what Art is to you? Leave a comment and don't worry about the response ... if you have doubts about your comments - look at the banana in the pic, it will help : - ).

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