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What is Acrylic poured painting?

Arlyssa Perdue: “Aside from a few classes I took in grade school, I’m a self-taught painter. I have used acrylic paints for ceramics ever since I was a teenager to create expressive and abstract art, and while I use different techniques, acrylic pouring is hands down my favorite. Before I start painting, I chose music that inspires and speaks to me, then I dive in; music and painting a perfect fit for my style. Once the pre-paint ritual is established, I chose the colors I will be mixing, which are dependent on the painting; sometimes I use a paint extender such as floterol and some with a pouring medium with a small number of colors; I try to use colors that speak to myself the most.

The first technique I learned was the flip cup, which I usually use at least three different colors of paint. Paint is poured in layers into a bowl with dormant amounts. The canvas is then placed over the cup and acts to contain the paint in the cup. The cup is then flipped upside down along with the canvas in a box where it sits for a few minutes hence giving the paint enough time to gravitate down to the canvas. Then comes the fun part, I then quickly lift the cup and start tilting the canvas to make my design. The circles seen on the paintings are called cells, and regardless of the paint I choose the magic happens as the paint dries to its own organic patterns based on how I tilted the canvas, in a sense the paint still dries to the beat of my drum, it still reflects my moods and feelings in that picture. All of my paintings are original, brightly colored, and cannot be recreated or reproduced, other than prints of course. I have tried the same 3 pours with the same controlled conditions in and all 3 pours have yielded different results. My art is like my name, original and one of a kind. Thank you.

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