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What is Abstract Expressionism by John Bacon

Curator: John Bacon is an Abstract Expressionist artist, follow his beautiful work on Instagram and DM him for more commentary

John Bacon: "I am largely a self taught artist. I began painting 5-6 years ago. Being self taught has certain advantages as well as disadvantages. Although I am not a trained artist, I am also not constrained by what I was taught. Although I know many of the rules , I am not limited by the rules.

I want viewers of my paintings to at first glance to be taken in by the overall impact of the painting. I hope they will have an initial emotional response to the painting rather than an intellectual response. Only after this initial response do I want the viewer to see multiple areas of interest within the painting. This differs from creating a focal point or point of interest within the painting.

As far as what a “good painting” is, isn’t that really a function of each individual viewer and  not just the opinion of an art instructor.

My paintings are a reflection of my vision and inner feelings and this cannot be taught. While painting the process is felt rather than thought. Picasso said “I begin with a plan and then it becomes something else”. By feeling my way through a painting, I look to develop a certain momentum that allows me to be open to all the possibilities that the canvas holds.In my mind this is the essence of abstract expressionism.

Although there may be points about what is a “technically”

good painting, the overall impact of the painting arises within the painter.

If we all followed the rules, would there ever have been the “grotesque” paintings of Picasso. Van Gogh never sold a painting in his lifetime.

To my amazement, my paintings have received considerable attention on Instagram, much of that attention coming from artists with a much more extensive art background.

Bottom line, technique and theory can be taught, creativity cannot."

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