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MIALOOPA - artist Blog

Humans are like a piece of craft shaped how reality wishes them to be. But there is another world that exists inside of each and every one of us. Like space, our brains are mysterious and full of surprises. Shutting down the reality channel for a few, like it does not exist, and exploring your own space would take you places you never thought ever existed. It's unique, magical and exciting.

Born and located in Egypt, I have been very lucky to be surrounded by the beauty of the Egyptian upper middle class and up. Graduated from mass communication, advertising and public relations I have learned that creativity is a talent and not be taught. It's a gift I have and thankful for. I'm laidback, patient and I do not favor commitment; which works well with painting.

Crushed by reality, a very busy routine and choosing not to get a job and be fully committed to my two extraordinary lovebirds (who happen to be my top supporters) I get into a deep dark hole every now and then.. like most people do. It's our nature. BUT then I get my own time of spacing .. I explore, I feel motivated by turning my negativity to something crratively positive ... Each time it's different. My first time out of this deep dark hole was photography. My second was poetry. My third and I believe is my last, is painting. One year I was so down. An angel told me I should just go get some brushes and colors, as a stress relief. That was when I realized I fell in love. Since then I became addicted. Anyone can take painting lessons and by determination, they can create a beautiful painting. But because I'm stubborn and I do not like to be told what to do or be restricted by what to paint even if it was for learning, I was determined to use two things to learn; the natural magic motivated by my darkest times and by exploring the greatest artists I admire online.

Music is of a great effect on me. I play one song on repeat while working on one painting. I tango with oil colors. Why oil? Oil is smooth, patient and it gets you. One of the reasons I chose abstract is the hidden connection it creates between people and me. It's like a song, the artist writes down his lyrics and the listener absorbs it's meaning according to his own experience. The connection is incredible.

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