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Pain to Paint to Passion -by Jair

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By: Jair Martinez Johnson: Freedom Expressionist

It was a warm September afternoon last year (2019), when a feeling randomly came over me and told me to go to a local arts supply store and buy materials to create, so I did. This is my thought processes when I’m creating art; don't ask questions, just do it. I can work meticulously for days on a single piece or work on 5 pieces at the same time. After that fateful day in September, I realized how art freed me from the bad habits I had been battling. The happiness I was now exposed to, was addicting. The rush of putting paint on a canvas did something for my heart I hope stayed with me forever. Though this was my first time painting, and such, it was not where the start of my love for art began.

I was born October 4th, 1995 in Atlanta, Ga to a Peruvian Mother and Mexican Father. Having such a rich cultural background, I was exposed to things such as the beautiful architectural works of the Aztecs and the amazing artisans of Peru; something I got to experience firsthand when I visited Cusco, Peru. This experience, alongside the influence of a couple of family members who enjoy painting, instinctively worked together that one fall day, to get me started on something I am now very passionate about. If I were to describe my art, I would say it is a take on modern contemporary, mixed with abstract and pop! My biggest artistic influences would have to be: Pollock, Rothko, Mondrian, Basquiat, and Van Gogh. I incorporate the splatter style of Pollock in my hard edge pieces and Basquiat’s free spirit in my abstract characters. I like creating with all, and, every kind of medium possible; from acrylic to spray paint to assure myself that I set no boundaries or limits to what it is that I can do. In doing so, I have created over 100+ pieces since my inception as an artist in September of 2019, and aspire to be as prolific as Pablo Picassso one day. How I go about creating something can be as simple as an idea formulating in my head to an unplanned acrylic pour to see the movements of the colors when they collide!

I naturally try to emit as much emotion as possible to my work because I want people to know that they are not alone in feeling what it is that they are feeling. We all go through things and will be able to overcome them. In the end, hard work truly pays off because after a few months of being an artist I was selected to be part of an art gala at the W in Atlanta where I sold some pieces! Now, sitting only 6 months into my newly found passion for art, I can't wait to see what the future holds not only for me, but also for those great artists around me who help me become better such as Yolanda Weathers and Mr.Grimaldo! The beauty of it all is that regardless if it's for comparing, indulging, or creating, art does something very few things in this world can do, and that's bring people of all walks of life together!

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